Important Update | Hallmark Woods

November 10, 2023

The HWPOA Process for Home Sales in Hallmark Woods, can be found here


1. " Speeding in Our Community"

We ask parents to talk to your family about driving the speed limit. In addition, please talk to your children and elderly family members about walking and biking safely in the community. Some neighbors have put up some signs in their yards reminding motorists to slow down. The signs definitely seem to help.

Delivery trucks appear to be adhering to speed limits but if you see a repeated issue with a delivery vendor, you can contact Jamie McClellan at Please provide the company information (i.e. Amazon, FedEx) and if possible truck number, date and time. We will contact the company to request that the drivers are reminded of speed limits in Hallmark Woods.

2. "Email Project"

Email Project 2025

Due to the raising cost of mailing letters to all the community homeowners, we would like to have all communications to and from our Board to be made electronically by email. We will always have the option to communicate through mailings however, it is time for our community to modernize our standard communication process. Please proceed to and provide an email that status you agree with this email communication . Please provide name and address so that your email can be recorded for future correspondence

Avalabile Links

HWPOA 2025 Annual meeting Letter and Dues request 10 February 2025
HWPOA 2025 Annual Budget
Financial 2022 to 2024
HWPOA Homeowners that have not paid 2024 annual dues some as far back as 2019
Notice Proposed School Redistricting